Good Friday Laymen's Service

Jesus Died and Rose for You

March 29, 2024

Good Friday Laymen's



The Good Friday Laymen’s Event has
two parts — a catered breakfast and
an inter-denominational worship
service. The purpose of the breakfast is
Christian fellowship for men and boys.
The worship service presents the
Gospel of Jesus Christ and a reverent
atmosphere in which to appreciate His
suffering and death on the cross.
Through the singing, scripture reading
and the speaker’s message, the men
and boys are reminded of Jesus’
sacrifice on the cross for the
redemption of the world and blessings
for what this means for the individual.
Average attendance is 275.


In 1967 the breakfast started in an Oil
City restaurant. In time, attendance
grew and the KofC Hall was selected.
Later the worship service followed in
the Grace United Methodist Church
around the corner. Records back to
1970 indicate all speakers have been
laymen except one pastor in 1992.
The service included two longstanding
traditions. Laymen, non-ordained
Christian men of the community
conduct the proceedings. The other
tradition is the singing of “The Old
Rugged Cross” and “Ten Thousand

For fifty-seven years men and boys of all
ages gathered at 6 a.m. for
the breakfast. Afterward they moved
around the block to the Grace United
Methodist Church. However the 2020 and 2021 events were changed due to the virus. The breakfasts were cancelled and the services were presented as online video broadcasts.

This year we will gather in person for our usual format.